Grand’Maison funicular

Grand’Maison inclined plane is used to transport EDF employees from the power plant (located in the municipality of Allemont) to the line valves room located under the mountain (close to the municipality of Vaujany). It makes its way in a tunnel dug into the rock, extending over more than 1.5 km. It is only used during the winter when the access road is blocked by snow. It is the longest industrial funicular in France, furthermore entirely subterranean.

Data sheet

Station Grand’Maison hydroelectric power plant
Firm number
Category FUN-Funiculaire
Name Plan incliné de Grand’Maison
Opening year 1985
Last refurbishment year 1985
Operator EDF
Main manufacturer AKROS
Authorized up traffic 500kg or 3 persons + 25kg per run
Authorized down traffic 500kg or 3 persons + 25kg per run
Uphill operating speed 1.1 m/s
Downhill operating speed 1.1 m/s
Altitude difference 775.7 m
Lower station elevation 787 m
Upper station elevation 1503.5 m
Developed lenght 1468 m
Horizontal length
Maximum gradient (%) 56 %
Average gradient 56%
Theoretical operating speed 1.1 m/s
Theroretical up traffic 500kg or 3 persons + 25kg per run
Theoretical down traffic 500kg or 3 persons + 25kg per run
Motor cab position Downhill
Installation year
Function Closed loop downhill haul rope
Position Downhill
Ultimate strength (UTS)
Diameter 13.3 mm
Main engine type Continuous
Engine power 39 kW